Parents Want ‘Dadin-Kowa’ on Arewa24 Rescheduled Due to Ramadan

Parents Want ‘Dadin-Kowa’ on Arewa24 Rescheduled Due to Ramadan

Some people, mostly parents said Dadin-Kowa clashes with prayer times thereby distracting their children from their religious obligations during Ramadan. They said their children had difficulties performing their religious rites due to the TV series aired on the Arewa24 channel on Saturday and repeated on Tuesday. They said Dadin-Kowa is aired almost the same time with the period for Ishai’i and Taraweeh prayers thereby making some children and adults watch the programme instead of praying.

When contacted for comment, the management of the Kano station of Arewa24 said they do not interact with the press. But a source at the station said the management could not adjust the timing of the TV programme because Arewa24 is an international channel.

“To avoid any inconveniences to the Arewa24 audiences in other countries, the timing must remain unchanged because of the time differences,” the source added. The source said no television programme would distract or divert ones attention to prayers if he or she has the intention to pray.

The concerned people mostly parents appealed to the management of the satellite television and concerned stakeholders to review the timing of the programme to enable children and other adults concentrate more on their religious activities during Ramadan.

One of the parents, who simply identified herself as Hajiya Amina, lamented the effects of the programme. She said it was important for children to concentrate on fasting as it approaches the crucial parts.

“For that, parents need to observe more and ensure that children put more efforts into their prayers, supplications and other religious activities.

“We will be glad if the management of the station can review the timing of this programme during Ramadan. Entertainment is important but prayers and worship are necessary and more important. This programme stops children from going to the mosque, and as parents, we were entrusted with the responsibility to ensure that our children stay guided on the righteous path of Islam,” she said.

Another parent and a father of nine, Alhaji Ali Mohammed said: “Sometimes, I have to switch off the television set and send them to the mosque. They pay attention to the programme than Isha’i and Taraweeh prayers in this holy month of Ramadan.”

He added that “Whenever it is Tuesday or Saturday my children shun the mosque because of the Dadin-Kowa TV series. So I always switch off the television set and send them away to the mosque so that the women could also go for prayers.”

By Daily Trust