Showcasing My Writings And Publications (1994 – 2024) By Saka Raji Audu

Arewa Trust publisher and Editor -in-Chief, Mall. Saka Raji Audu

Showcasing My Writings And Publications (1994 – 2024)

It Is My Birthday And Am Plus One Today

By Saka Raji Audu

Alhamdulillahi! today is Thursday, 15th August, 2024, it is a beautiful day for me and members of my immediate family. It’s the day Allah, SWT commanded my late mother, Maryam Audu(1941) to give birth to me. She gave up the ghost on 5th May 2015. 

Therefore, today is my birthday. According to Gani Fawehinmi in the Punch newspaper of Tuesday, February 15, 1994, *”No nation can plan for the future without taking stock of the past.”*

It is in view of the foregoing that I have decided to showcase my writings and publications to celebrate my birthday and thank Allah SWT for the little stuff He has made me of. Ma shaa Allah!!!

I would also like to dedicate this writeup to the 40 personalities whose short biographies are contained in my about to be presented latest book, titled: *the Giant Stars In Nigeria* In addition to these, There are some few others that have played very meaningful in my life till date.

Writing, whatever type, conventional or media, to educate and influence, is important as well as cumbersome. However, the essence of writing and publishing cannot be disputed. It takes time, energy and special skills to put down lofty ideas and ideals in correct presentation for others to read, understand and perhaps react. It takes courage and perseverance as well.

People write for different purposes. We have research writing to unravel issues for fact findings, with hypotheses and assumptions generated to prove or disapprove.

People also write to create history for generations and generations yet unborn. This is not all. We equally have other reasons why people write, which are up our sleeves.

We also have commissioned, sponsored and independent writings and Publications.

Whatever specific reason (s) for writing, it is all about education, entertainment, information, teachings and creation of awareness, etc.

I started writing for information and knowledge as far back as during my undergraduate years between 1987 and 1991. In 80s and 90s, my friends, school mates such as the late Professor Balarabe Maikaba (May Allah forgive and grant him Jannatul Firdausi, Amin), Bash M. Bash, Sulaiman Uba Gaya, Muhammad Isa Inuwa, etc and I competed positively in writing for media, which were often published by the Triumph Publishing Company, Gidan Sa’adu Zungur, Kano and other many other Publishers.

At that time, many people taught I worked for *the Triumph Newspaper* because of the frequency with which my articles appeared in the dailies. The former Editor in Chief/Managing Director, Alhaji Garba Shehu that later became Senior Special Assistant (SS.A.) on Media to the former President Muhamnadu Buhari writing Foreword to my first published book, page xii dated 15-11-1993, and publicly presenter in 1994 titled: *Democracy In Nigeria: A Long Search Through A Dark Tunnel*

Garba Shehu aptly stated inter Alia, ” I met Saka Raji Audu four years ago (1989) when he came in as the head of the production team of the “Bayero Beacon”, the newspaper published by the department of Mass Communication, Bayero University, Kano. I had noticed the outstanding zeal in whatever he did in the composing room and graphics but I had not given much thought about him. On this particular day, I stopped him, and asked him if he might have a word with me. He was surprised but said, “sure. What do you want to talk about?”

“I saw that this was a young man who was very keen in whatever he did but above all one who had shown a measure of capability and relevance to general social issues of his time on all that he wrote – issues with which I am seriously concerned, and I asked if he could join us as a freelance contributor. ”

“Since then and to the present moment, Mr. Audu has written for the Triumph titles, on virtually every issue under the sun. Such contributions have, on more cases than one, elicited strong reactions especially from his friends in the University with whom, nonetheless he reached accommodation on each account after the storms. He has a reputation as a voracious reader and a most prolific contributor, and it is in the light of this, that his contribution to the current political dispensation encapsulated in this book must be seen. It is a worthwhile book that would further enrich the discussion on our political present and future.” This is Alhaji Garba Shehu, the then Managing Director,

Triumph Publishing Company Limited.

Gidan Sa’adu Zungur, Kano speaking about me, in November 1993.

I am grateful to Allah, SWT that since then, I have been able to author some books to my credit. These are the publications I want to showcase as I clock another year to my life today. They are,

1. Communication skills for Schools & Colleges (2009) with Foreword by Halima Musa Kamilu, Editor (Sunday Triumph)

2. Dandatti Abdulkadir: A Humble Beginning (1995) with Foreword by Dr. Garba Dahuwa Azare of Education Department, BUK

3. Issues in 2003 General Elections (2003)

4. “My Chance”, a literary prose (2000)

5. Sani Marshal: A Pioneer Industrialist (1997) with Foreword by the late Prof. Ali Na’ibi Suwaid

6. Sani Marshal: SHAHARARREN MAI Masana’antu. A reprint of Hausa version (2023)

7. 30 Years After Graduation: BUK Class 91 ALUMNI In Retrospect (2022)

8. Democracy In Nigeria: A Long Search Through A Dark Tunnel, with Foreword by Garba Shehu (1994)

9. General Sani Abacha Speeches: An Appraisal with Foreword by Prof. Bello A. Salim (1995)

10. EMCCO PIONEER CLASS 84, A Profile Presentation of the Ebira Muslim Community College, Okengwe, Okene, Kogi State (2018)

11. 50 Northern Pace-setters Co-edited J.I. Ibrahim (1995)

12. ALIYU ABDULMALIK: Odeyiani (Sarki) of our time, Co-author with Malam Muhammad Dauda- Adano (2021) and Foreword by Prof. S. O. Bello,( BUK)

13. EPA Kano At A Glance, a profile presentation of registered Ebira people resident in Northwest of Nigeria, Kano (2020)

14. Air-Transport and Import Manual,A Simple Guide To Air- Travellers, Importers,Tourists and Foreign Investors in Kano- Nigeria, 2002.

15. MAAUN: Periscoping The First Bilingual University in Sub-Saharan Africa (2022)

16. How Shekarau Broke The Kano Political Jinx (2007)

17. Kano Industries At Cross Roads (2006)

18. The Success Story of Gov. Kwankwaso’s Community Re-orientation Committee (CRC) In Kano State (2012)

19. Kwankwasiyya: Giant Strides In Education (2012)

20. Irehisa Ine Ebira (Edited, 2011)

21. Ebira Proverbs: Meaning and Significance with Foreword by Prof. Ahmed Rufa’i Muhammad, Ph.D (1997), BUK

22. Malam (Dr) Ibrahim Shekarau): The Hero of our time (Vol. 1), 2009

23. The contribution of Lebanese to the growth of Kano Business (1999)

24. Nigeria: 2011 Presidential Race & the choice of Malam (Dr) Ibrahim Shekarau (2010)

25. Gov. Yahaya Adoza Bello: An Epitome of Power shift In Kogi State (2017)

26. Sardaunan Kano: The Price of Hard Work And Integrity (2010)

27. Arewa Trust Newspaper, a monthly publication (2015 to date).

28. How the Suhail Akar I Know Braces the Storm, Biography of a Lebanese born Nigerian Industrialist (2021)

29. Selected Issues of our time, Co-author (1995) with J. I. Ibrahim

30. Malam (Dr) Ibrahim Shekarau): The Hero of our time (Vol. 2), 2010

31. The Growth of Kano Business Under Shekarau Administration (2010).

Interestingly, five (5) of the above mentioned books/publications, each with abstract, were exhibited by the Bayero University, Kano in Lusaka, Zambia. Reference: Check” BUK LIST OF PUBLICATIONS FOR THE ASSOCIATION OF AFRICAN UNIVERSITIES (1997), BOOK EXHIBITION, LUSAKA, ZAMBIA* Edited by Prof. Abba Rufai and Y. A. Guda

32. Media Coverage of the Better Life for Rural women Programmes (1987- 1990), A case study of Radio Kano Broadcasting Corporation under the supervision of Dr. Chris Onunkwo, HOD, Department of Mass Communications, BUK.

33. Modal Auxiliaries: A Comparison of Standard and Nigerian Usage (1997) under the supervision of the late Prof. David R. Jowitt.

34. Modal Auxiliaries: A Comparison of Standard and Nigerian Usage (1997) under the supervision of Prof. David R. Jowitt.

35. The Giant Stars in Nigeria (2024), the award book of 40 biographies with the truth of the Fact, (my Autobiography) as EXCERPTS (undergoing publication)

36. Mass Communications In Perspective For Undergraduates with model questions and answers (undergoing publication)

37. Language Communications and Report writing (2024- undergoing publication)

38. The Principle, Choice and Practice of Ododoism (2023)

39. Peaceful Co-existence Between Anebira and Kanawa, 2023 (Co- author with Haruna Adaviruku)

These are in addition to the many commentaries I do make to generate contributions and discussions. Although, the country is hard and has made some Nigerian Senior Citizens beggars, it is hoped that things shall be better to continue documenting issues in writing and publication so that tomorrow shall be better.

I wish every one whatever one wishes for me as I add another feather in my life. For the congratulatory messages received from the corporate and individual, l thank them for everything. Regards to my readers.

Finally, people should understand that helping one to grow to secure the country will not minus any thing except to add big things to the helper. Best wishes to all. Ma Shaa Allah.