North West lawmakers sponsored 436 bills in three years | National Assembly Scorecard

Northwest Nigeria

North West lawmakers sponsored 436 bills in three years | National Assembly Scorecard

AREWA AGENDA – The North West geo-political zone comprises Kaduna, Kanu, Katsina, Kebbi, Jigawa, Sokoto, and Zamfara States. In this Third-Year Appraisal of the Ninth National Assembly, we examine the performance of the federal legislators from the zone since 2019.

The zone has a total of 21 Senators and 92 members in the House of Representatives at the National Assembly.

Senators from the seven states of the zone varied in performance in terms of bill sponsorship in the third year of the Ninth National Assembly. In the period under review, 1,009 bills were sponsored by lawmakers in the Red Chamber and the North West Senators sponsored a total of 127 bills, constituting 12.6% of the total Senate bills.

State-By-State Contributions

The performance analysis of the States in terms of bills sponsorship reveals that Senators from Kaduna State had the highest bill tally, with a total of 49 bills constituting 5.8% of the 1,009 bills sponsored in the last three years of the 9th Assembly.

They are followed by their Kano State with a total of 24 bills constituting 2.4%, as well as Senators from Sokoto State who sponsored a total of 18 bills amounting to 1.8%.

Senators from Kebbi State had 12 bills constituting 1.2% as well as Katsina their State that sponsored 12 bills making 1.2%.

Senators from Zamfara and Jigawa sponsored 6 bills accounting for 4.7% respectively.

Special Categories Of Senators From The Zone

Principal Officers

Senator Ibrahim Abdullahi Gobir (APC, Sokoto East), Senate Majority Leader who sponsored nine bills
Senator Danjuma Tella La’ah (PDP, Kaduna South), Deputy Senate Minority Whip with three bills in his name.

Female Lawmakers

The zone has no female Senator in the National Assembly.


Senator Aliyu Wamakko (APC, Sokoto North) with six bills.
Senator Kabir Gaya (APC, Kano South) has three bills to his credit.
Senator Adamu Aliero (PDP, Kebbi Central) with three bills in his name.
Senator Ibrahim Shekarau (PDP, Kano Central ) who sponsored zero bills.

Bills Productivity (North West Senate Caucus)

The Leading Senators are:

Senator Yahaya Abdullahi (PDP, Kebbi North) sponsored seven bills. – Four have been passed for concurrence while others at different stages of legislative input.

Senator Uba Sani (APC, Kaduna Central), has 31 bills to his credit. – Two have gotten presidential assent, three have been passed for concurrence and others are at different stages of legislative considerations.

House Of Representatives Scorecard

Members of the House of Representatives from this zone recorded varied performance in terms of bills sponsorship. They accounted for 309 bills which constitute 15.61% of the total of 1,979 bills sponsored by lawmakers in the green chamber.

State-By-State Contributions

The performance analysis from the region reveals that lawmakers from Kaduna State got 152 bills, constituting 7.68%, members from Kano State have 50 bills which account for 2.53% to their credit. Katsina State members of the green chamber sponsored 27 bills, which constitute 1.36%, lawmakers from Jigawa got 27 accounting for 1.36%,

Similarly, Kebbi State members with 19 bills accounted for 0.96%, Reps from Zamfara State got 18 bills constituting 0.91% and members from Sokoto State got 16 bills, constituting 0.81% of the total number of bills sponsored by members in the green chamber in the period under review.

Principal Officers

– Rep. Alhassan Ado-Adoguwa (APC, Kano), Majority Leader of the House of Representatives

Rep. Gwani Gideon Lucas (PDP, Kaduna), Minority Whip of the House of Representatives.
There is no female representative in the lower chamber from the North West geo-political zone.

Ranking Members

– Rep Umar Barde Yakubu (PDP, Kaduna), currently serving his fifth term, has sponsored 4 bills.

Rep. Jobe Tijjani Abdulkadir (APC, Kano)
Rep. Sarki Adar Musa are both serving their fourth term and have zero bills to show for three years.

Rep. Ali Wudil Muhammad (APC, Kano) with six bills is also serving a fourth term in the House as well as Rep Ayuba Badamasi (NNPP, Kano).

Credit: Order Paper