LGA Autonomy: KANET Lauds Supreme Court Verdict

LGA Autonomy: KANET Lauds Supreme Court Verdict

Kano Network of NGOs (KANET) has  applauded  the recent Supreme Court judgment affirming the autonomy of Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Nigeria.

This was contained in a press statement signed  by its Nura Ahmad Muhammad, in Kano on Friday.

According the network,  “This landmark decision marks a significant step towards empowering local governments, thereby enhancing security, employment, education, peace, and overall community development”.

“Local government autonomy is crucial for the effective functioning and development of communities”.

By granting LGAs the power to govern themselves independently, the ruling facilitates:
1. Improved Security: Empowered local governments can better address security challenges by implementing localized strategies and collaborating with community stakeholders.

2. Enhanced Employment Opportunities: Autonomous LGAs can create and manage employment programs tailored to the specific needs of their communities, reducing unemployment rates and stimulating local economies.

3. Quality Education: Local control over education allows for the development and implementation of programs that cater directly to the educational needs of the community, improving access and quality of education.

4. Peace and Stability: Empowered local governments can foster a sense of ownership and participation among citizens, promoting peace and stability through inclusive governance.

5. Sustainable Development: With the authority to make decisions and allocate resources, LGAs can pursue sustainable development initiatives that address the unique challenges and opportunities within their jurisdictions.

Call to Action
KANET calls on Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), government agencies, media, communities and other stakeholders to support this journey towards effective LGA autonomy. We propose the following measures:

1. Training and Capacity Building: Provide comprehensive training programs for LGA officials to enhance their governance and administrative capabilities.
2. Program Tracking and Evaluation: Establish robust mechanisms for tracking and evaluating the performance of LGA programs to ensure transparency and accountability.
3. Technical Support: Offer technical support to LGAs in areas such as project management, financial planning, and community engagement.

4. Full Operation of EFCC and ICPC: Ensure the full operational capacity of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) to monitor and enforce compliance by state governors, LGAs, and contractors.
5. Improve Local Whistle Blowing: Empower communities with access to credible and professional whistleblowing policies, guidelines and protection as well as evidence based actions.

Ensuring Effective Functioning of LGAs

To guarantee that LGAs can function effectively and drive community-centered development, we advocate for:
1. Direct Resource Allocation: Adequate and timely allocation of resources (funding, items, materials etc) to LGAs to enable them execute their mandates efficiently.
2. Community Participation: Encouraging active participation of community members in decision-making processes to ensure that development initiatives reflect the needs and aspirations of the people.
3. Infrastructure Development: Prioritizing the development of critical infrastructure, including roads, healthcare facilities, and schools, to improve the quality of life for residents.
4. Transparency and Accountability: Promoting a culture of transparency and accountability within LGAs to build public trust and ensure the responsible use of resources with open governance functioning.

The Supreme Court’s affirmation of LGAs autonomy is a monumental victory for grassroots governance in Nigeria.

KANET and its innovative members remains committed to supporting this transformative journey and calls on all stakeholders to join hands in fostering a thriving, secure, and prosperous future for our communities.

Nura Ahmad Muhammad
Secretary KANET Steering Committee
[email protected]

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