Buhari not committed to rescuing my daughter, Leah Sharibu’s mother cries out

Buhari not committed to rescuing my daughter, Leah Sharibu’s mother cries out

NEWS DIGEST – Mother of Leah Sharibu, the only Dapchi school-girl remaining in Boko Haram captivity, Mrs. Rebecca Sharibu, has doubted the commitment of the federal government, especially President Muhammadu Buhari to securing her release from Boko Haram terrorists.

Mrs. Sharibu, who spoke in an interview with the Hausa Service of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in London, said she has serious doubts Buhari was serious about securing the release of her daughter.

She however said she was in London to seek the assistance of the the British Government to free Leah from the terrorists’ captivity.

She is due to meet British Prime Minister on Leah’s predicaments.

According to Mrs. Sharibu in the interview monitored by our correspondent in Kaduna on Thursday, President Buhari did not contact their family until seven months after the abduction.

She also lamented after the President contacted her and sent three Ministers, assuring her that Leah was going to be released soon, there has been nothing else from the President.

She however said it was against that background she decided to visit London to lay her complaints and seek the British government’s help.

According to her : “I have come to Britain to lay my complaints, I need their help. They should help me, I will like my daughter to be freed from captivity.

“My daughter was abducted among others by Boko Haram terrorists, it was seven months later that President Muhammadu Buhari called me.

” Since their abduction in February, it was seven months later that he called me.

“When he called me, he told me that my daughter would return, that she would not stay long.

“Two weeks later, he sent three ministers to our house and they corroborated what Mr. President had told me. The ministers reiterated that Leah would be returned to me, shortly.

“The Ministers said they were in my house to reassure me that my daughter would soon return. But since that day, I never heard anything again from the government.

“My major worry now is for the government to do whatever possible and free my daughter from captivity.

“Because, I am seriously disturbed, but there is nothing I can do. If the government is doing nothing, what can I an ordinary citizen do?”

Mrs. Sharibu however commended a non-governmental organisation, Leah Foundation established in honour of her daughter, saying it had been of great assistance to the Leah family.

She also disclosed the Foundation assisted the family towards making her trip to London a reality.

According to her: “Leah Foundation is helping us by sponsoring some girls, even my trip to London, they assisted. Recently, we were assisted by them.”

Leah Sharibu was among 110 school-girls, abducted from their school premises in Dapchi village of Yobe State in February 2018.

While others have since been released, Leah is being held back in captivity by Boko Haram terrorists, allegedly for her refusal to denounce her Christian faith.

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