Killing Sokoto’s Deborah, Checking Out the Shari’a Law, By I. M. Al-Amīn

Killing Sokoto’s Deborah, Checking Out the Shari’a Law, By I. M. Al-Amīn

AREWA AGENDA – Only Yesterday i observed how seriously brothers and friends have taken their times across Social Media Outlets discussing sets of opinions over the Painful News of the Killing and Burning to ashes of the Shēhu Shāgāri College of Education, Sokoto Student, “Miss Deborah” by her Colleagues including her “Female Friends” who Zealously participated in the “Cremation” of her remains. What a Pity.

The incident was very unfortunate considering how the late Deborah happens to be a “Permanent Resident” in the Heart of the “Uthmāniyyah Caliphate”, the Sultānate of Sokoto where she Needs not to be told or reminded of the “Sanctity of even the Sanctuary of Sokoto” in which she is domicile and resides in, in fact she mustn’t be ignorant of the “Ubiquity of the Holy Name of the Prophet Muhammad” (SAW) whose Consecration cannot be Condoned even if she was to be habitat within the Fortress and Fortified Walls of the White House, Kremlin, Buckingham Palace, Elisee and so on. However, we are bound and under Bone to demand and ask as to;

What & Where Were The Original Content Of The Whatsapp Chat That Preceded Between All The Group Members Before Deborah Uttered What Has Caused Her Her Life?

This is a “Legal Question” that Must be asked in the Course of any Judicial Investigation, Review and Procedures. Why?

Because, the Reality upon which “Blasphemous Rulings and Judgments” were Passed Must be Carefully and Efficiently Studied before any Capital Punishment can be Imposed upon the “Blasphemy Defaulter” taking into Cognisance that Islām is a “Religion of Justice” where no one is deliberately Cheated, Oppressed, Discriminated or Mistreated because he is an Enemy. Qur’ānic Verses and Ahādīth of the Holy Prophet (SAW) were explicit on this Reality.

Allāh Ta’āla has called upon Believers, thus the entire Muslims of all Generations, saying;

“And do not try abusing in Consecration those People who Call others in Worship beside Allāh, and they on their Part (loosely turn their tongues) to Abuse Allāh in Vanity and out of Ignorance”. Qur’ān/An’ām; 108

Perhaps the Sokoto State Government may start its investigation by Summoning the “Service Providers” of the “WhatsApp Class Group”, late Deborah’s Colleagues, to Produce the whole Conversation that took place between Members of same Platform. The possibility that she (Deborah) was Mishandled, abused, Castigation of her Parents, her Tribal inclination or even her Religion of Christianity which makes her to say something Bad on Our Beloved Rasūlulläh (SAW) upon whom we as Muslims can ????% Sacrifice Our Lives in His Defence, to the extent that we Can Kill Our Parents and Children if they decide to Hurt the Feelings of the Messenger of Allāh Ta’āla (SAW).

Yes, the Intelligence Agency’s reference to the Service Providers is in line with the Truth that least Deborah’s Colleagues will have their initial “Conversations” before she (Deborah) made her own Bad Remarks got Deleted. That is part of the Justice of Islām.

Until this very Reality is ascertained, the Fear that occurrence of such unfortunate incident can’t be ruled out in the near Future, God Forbids.


The Muslim Ummah itself need to be reminded that there are those who call themselves “Muslims” but Yet go on in Disrespecting, Degrading, Demeaning, Demoting and even Downgrading the Position of the Holy Al-Mustafā (SAW) by calling the Prophetic Noble Parents with Unbearable Names or Charging His Pious Consorts with illicit Behaviour, a declaration which is almost tantamount to “Apostasy & Heresy”. These group of Muslims are without doubt the very “Munāfiqūn” whom given the Holy Prophet (SAW) numerous Headaches in Madinah.

The Nigerian Christian’s Preaching and Teaching Must also be Reorganised, and Our Christian Brothers and Friends across the Regions need to be Oriented on how to Review their Peaceful Co-existence within the Muslim Majority Areas (in fact including the Minority) communities they live with.

Equally the international Community must also understand the “Global Muslim Mentality & Psychology” especially having to do with Blasphemous Remarks against their Most Beloved Prophet 《Sallallāhu Alaihi Wa Sallam》 which they know can’t Stand to be Challenge by whoever is involved. The Western World have Tested Muslims’ Belief and Faith on so many occasions and at different epochs of Islām’s history and with its Relationship with the West.

In Post-Colonial British India, the Author of the Notorious book called “Rangila Rasūl” was Butchered by a Diehard Lover of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) whom the Indian Colonialist put to Martyrdom by “Hanging and Strangling”. It transpired later that they (the Colonial Masters) were the Sponsors of the Blasphemous Authorship.

Also the 80s “Satanic Verses” by “Salman Rushdie” was clearly believed by Millions of Muslims across the Globe to be the Handiwork of the British Intelligence.

The Arab World under Saudi Arabia’s influence abstained from declaring the “Apostasy and Heresy” of the British-Indian Author, Salman Rushdie because they were Badly Unhappy that Iran’s Spiritual Leader, “Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khomeini” has placed a $20 Million Dollars Reward to anyone who shall bring Salman Rushdie, “Death or Alive”. Salman remained in an Incarceration of “Permanently Peaceful Prison” who was Imprisoned by Artisan of his own “Pen”.


Classical, Medieval and Contemporary Scholars have greatly discussed the Issue of “Cautiously Changing” the “Death Penalty Law” on Persons whom have Castigated the Holy Prophet (SAW) by looking into the General Background that triggered the Bitter Phenomena.

Now that was the “Politically Motivated Fatwah” which the Clerics and Scholars of Saudi Arabia “Romantically Dramatized” during Rushdie’s Blasphemy Tragedy in order to bring Iran’s “Khomeini Fatwah” down in the Eyes of the Muslim World.

Saudi Arabia failed to Win the Political and Ideological battle against Iran in all its Trial, in fact Tehran’s Killing Verdict Over-Boosted its position and earn it an Unbelievable Popularity which even knows not the Variance that existed between “Shi’ite & Sunni Islām”. In fact the Whole Muslim World submitted to Khomeini where Massive Homage were seen being Paid to the Aging “Mystic and Pious Spiritual Leader” of the First Islāmic Republic of the 21st Century from every part of the Muslim World.

Sincerely, the “Death Penalty Law” cannot be Reversed nor be Changed abruptly because it was a “Standing Order” declared by Rasūlulläh (SAW) himself despite His “Divine Personal Leniency” against those who Abused Him in His Lifetime.

The historic Parable of the Great Pre-Islāmic Arabian Poet, “Ka’ab Ibn Zuhāir Ibn Abī Sulmā” who Castigated Rasūlulläh (SAW) when his Blood Brother, “Bujāir Ibn Zuhāir Ibn Abī Sulmā” invited him to convert to Islām.

He (Ka’ab) Spun ridiculous and Satirical Poetic Verses of high Derogatory Wording against the Holy Prophet (SAW) which triggered the Legal Death Law to be Passed on him by Rasūlilläh (SAW) himself. Bujāir on knowing the Magnitude of Rasūlilläh’s Orders wrote to his brother in Makkah saying;

“My brother Ka’ab, verily Rasūlulläh has issued a Death Warrant against You, and You have no option but to Submit Yourself to him. I know You can never escape his Orders, therefore come down to Madinah and declare your Penitence before him”.

Ka’ab tried to win a Tribal Alliance with all the Clans around Makkah who shall Protect him under any eventuality from that “Fateful Warrant” which they all declined living him alone to himself. He therefore Saddled behind his Camel down the Stiff and Rocky Roads and Mountainous Valleys towards Madinah.

He (Ka’ab) reached Madinah Al-Munawwaräh and went directly to the Grand Mosque and threw himself under the feet of the “Most Compassionate” of Humans ever Created within the Children of Ādam and Eve. Ka’ab begins his Greetings by Singing Graciously the Famous Verses of his “Bānat Su’ād Stanzas” Commencing with the remembrance of his Lover (Girl Friend, Su’ād), praising his ancestors, his Clan, his Country and then continue mentioning without a “Single Flattery”, the Beautiful Qualities of Rasūlilläh (SAW) in Perfect description of his True and Real Person; And that not only has caused Ka’ab being “Forgiven” by Rasūlulläh (SAW), in fact it earned him the “Blessed Clog” (Al-Burdäh) which has remained to be a “Prestigious Prize” to Generations of his Progeny.

Now despite the fact that the Death Penalty in Islām for Castigating all Prophets of Allāh including Īsā & Mūsä (Jesus & Moses) shall remain “Immutable” for all Times, yet the Room of thorough Investigative Justice where the Degree of the Sentence be Reconsidered cannot be overstated and emphasized.

Thence, Deborah’s Case in this Crucial Moment can Judicially be Carefully revisited to ascertain where she was “Wrong” and equally find out the “Faults” of her Classmates who until they Killed her have been Cordial Friends whom have been enjoying Companionship, thus “Lunching and Dinning” together as students always do, for she can’t have been an Overt Enemy to all who Stoned her to Death in an “Academic Social Media Group” for Semesters. That’s just an Inconceivable Hysteria when Legally dealing with the Case.

If established beyond Reasonable Doubt through “Judicial Processes” that there have been a “Group Argument” and Seriously Unbearable words having dashed out that might have pushed Deborah to the Walk to make such Unforgivable Sarcastic Remarks, then for sure the “Legal Sharī’ah Injunction” will automatically change according to the Ijtihād of our “Jurists”, not in Exoneration of Deborah’s Blasphemy who has already been “Lynched”, but equally charging her Muslim Colleagues for “Specific Special Offences” based on Judicial Findings. They may be Punished to Serve Jail Terms accordingly for Irritating and eventually Instigating a Classmate to the extent of making her utter “Blasphemous Remarks” which they are definitely sure that it will Cost her her Life at the End even if they Spared her life because of their Cordiality. Perhaps Our “Competent Jurists” will conclude that Deborah’s Family be Compensated for the Unruly Nature in which their “Poor Daughter” left them unceremoniously, also being well informed that the Killers of Deborah will “Never be Charged for Manslaughter” because that was a _”Qur’ān and Biblical Law for Blasphemy”_ which they Ignorantly Passed upon their Classmate that the Misled “Deborah Deserved”.

“May the Almighty Lord of Worlds Preserve the Soul of Every Peace Loving Human, Man and Woman”.

I. M. Al-Amīn©️
Kano City, Nigeria