The Enduring Legacy of Gen. Gowon @90

Former military Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon Rtd

The Enduring Legacy of Gen. Gowon @90

By Sani Danaudi Mohammed

General Yakubu Gowon celebrated his 90th birthday on Saturday, October 19, 2024. This milestone birthday was marked with tributes and celebrations from various leaders, including President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, who praised Gowon’s leadership and contributions to Nigeria’s development.

Gowon’s life has been a testament to dedication, perseverance, and service to his country. Born on October 19, 1934, in Kanke, Plateau State, Nigeria, Gowon’s journey began with his parents, Nde Yohanna and Matwok Kurnyang, who were Church Missionary Society (CMS) missionaries. His educational journey started in Zaria, where he demonstrated exceptional athletic prowess.

His military career saw him participate in the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in the Congo in 1960-61 and 1963. By 1966, he had risen to battalion commander rank as a lieutenant colonel. His leadership skills and strategic thinking paved the way for his appointment as Nigeria’s youngest military chief of staff at 31.

Nigeria, with its diverse ethnic groups and rich cultural heritage, was on the brink of disintegration in the 1960s. The January 1966 coup led by Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu overthrew the civilian government, and General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi took power. However, Ironsi’s leadership was short-lived, as a counter-coup in July 1966 led to Gowon’s ascension to power.

General Yakubu Gowon’s reversal of Ironsi’s abrogation of the federal principle marked a significant turning point in Nigeria’s history. By restoring the federal system, Gowon paved the way for a more inclusive and representative government, addressing the concerns of various ethnic groups and regions.This decision was a deliberate attempt to promote national unity and stability, particularly after the turmoil that followed Ironsi’s unitary government decree.

The creation of 12 states by General Yakubu Gowon in 1967 marked a pivotal moment in Nigeria’s history, signaling the beginning of a unified nation. By dividing the four regions into smaller, more manageable units, Gowon aimed to promote national integration and reduce ethnic tensions. This bold move helped bridge the gap between Nigeria’s diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of shared identity and citizenship.This restructuring laid the groundwork for a more inclusive and representative government.

Gowon’s state creation exercise had far-reaching consequences, transforming Nigeria’s political landscape and paving the way for future development. By empowering minority groups and reducing regional dominance, Gowon’s reforms promoted national unity and stability. The new states enabled more effective governance, improved resource allocation, and enhanced representation for marginalized communities.

Additionally, this decentralization helped to dilute the tensions that had fueled the civil war, allowing Nigeria to begin rebuilding and healing. As Nigeria continued to evolve, Gowon’s vision for a unified nation remained a guiding principle, shaping the country’s progress and informing subsequent state creation exercises that have brought the total number of states to 36 today. Gowon’s legacy in this regard remains a cornerstone of Nigeria’s federalism.

His federalism reforms had far-reaching implications for Nigeria’s political landscape. The creation of new states helped to distribute power more evenly, giving voice to previously marginalized communities. This, in turn, contributed to the country’s reconciliation efforts after the civil war. Gowon’s “no victor, no vanquished” speech further emphasized his commitment to unity and reconciliation.

While challenges persisted, Gowon’s reversal of Ironsi’s decree demonstrated his willingness to adapt and respond to Nigeria’s complex regional dynamics. His leadership during this period played a crucial role in shaping the country’s future, as Nigeria continued to navigate the complexities of its federal system. Gowon’s legacy remains significant, with his federalism reforms serving as a foundation for Nigeria’s ongoing efforts to build a more inclusive and representative government.

The aftermath of the Nigerian Civil War presented a critical juncture for the country’s future. General Yakubu Gowon’s now-famous declaration, “No victor, no vanquished,” sent a powerful message of reconciliation and unity. This bold statement acknowledged the devastating consequences of the conflict and signaled a commitment to healing and rebuilding. He paved the way for a more inclusive and compassionate approach to national reunification. His words resonated deeply with Nigerians, weary from the brutal conflict that had claimed millions of lives and left the nation scarred.

Gowon’s “No victor, no vanquished” mantra became a guiding principle for post-war Nigeria, fostering an environment conducive to reconciliation and national rebirth. The policy allowed for the reintegration of former Biafran soldiers into the Nigerian Army, while also enabling the federal government to focus on reconstruction and development across the country. This approach helped to mitigate potential resentments and laid the groundwork for Nigeria’s gradual recovery.

As the country began to rebuild, Gowon’s leadership played a crucial role in promoting national unity and social cohesion. His vision for a united Nigeria, where diverse groups could coexist peacefully, continues to inspire generations. Today, Gowon’s “No victor, no vanquished” declaration remains a seminal moment in Nigerian history, symbolizing the country’s capacity for forgiveness, resilience, and collective progress.

His leadership during the Nigerian Civil War, also known as the Biafran War, was crucial in maintaining the country’s unity. Despite the challenges, Gowon’s declaration of “no victor, no vanquished” at the end of the war promoted healing and reconciliation . He also introduced the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program, which aimed to promote national unity and integration among Nigeria’s youths.

As he celebrates his 90th birthday, Nigeria honors a legendary leader whose patriotism and vision have left an indelible mark on the nation. His exemplary leadership, spanning decades, has inspired generations to strive for unity, progress, and regional cooperation. His intrumental roles in the creation of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) stands as testaments to his foresight, bridging cultural divides and fostering African solidarity.

His legacy extends far beyond his remarkable military career, embracing his tireless advocacy for national unity and development. As a statesman, his influence transcends Nigeria’s borders, resonating across Africa. His selfless service has inspired countless leaders, cementing his place in Nigeria’s history. As the nation celebrates this iconic figure, we recommit to emulating his exemplary leadership, unity, and vision for a brighter Nigerian future.

As we celebrates Gowon’s 90th birthday, it is essential to reflect on his contributions to the country’s unity and development. His leadership during a tumultuous period in Nigeria’s history demonstrated his commitment to the country’s oneness. Today, Nigerians continue to benefit from his vision for a united and prosperous nation. Gowon’s legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of leadership, unity, and reconciliation in building a stronger Nigeria for future generations.

As a beneficiary of General Gowon’s visionary leadership, I remain eternally grateful for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program, which brought me together with fellow Nigerians from diverse backgrounds. My service year was a transformative experience, broadening my perspectives and fostering lifelong connections.

I had the privilege of meeting remarkable individuals, each with unique stories and aspirations. The NYSC platform, established by Gowon, continues to bridge cultural divides, promoting national unity and integration. Through this initiative, Gowon’s legacy has touched countless lives, shaping Nigeria’s future leaders including my humble self.

General Gowon’s exemplary leadership has demonstrated that governance transcends serving narrow ethnic, religious, and regional interests, instead embracing the broader responsibility of serving the entire nation. His vision for a united Nigeria, where diversity is celebrated and harnessed for collective progress, remains a guiding principle for Nigerians.

The Plateau State, his homeland, presents a unique opportunity to transform from a hotspot of ethnic and religious conflicts to a beacon of peaceful coexistence. This aspiration aligns with Nigeria’s rich cultural heritage, where over 250 ethnic groups and 50 languages coexist. As Nigerians, we must rise to the challenge of promoting national unity, just as General Gowon did during his tenure.

By embracing our diversity and fostering inclusive growth, we can build a brighter future for all. Let us honour General Gowon’s legacy by working together to create a Nigeria where every citizen feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute to the nation’s progress. This collective effort will ensure that General Gowon’s selfless service to Nigeria inspires generations to come.

Happy 90th birthday, General Yakubu Gowon, a true Nigerian hero and champion of African progress.

Danaudi, Public Affairs Analyst writes from Bauchi Via [email protected]