Arewa’s Elders’ Complaint Crisis: How Disunity Among Northern Leaders, Experts Is Stymieing The   Progress Of The Region

Malam Musa Abdullahi Sufi

Arewa’s Elders’ Complaint Crisis: How Disunity Among Northern Leaders, Experts Is Stymieing The   Progress Of The Region

By Musa Abdullahi Sufi

Northern Nigeria, popularly adored as Arewa, stands as a region blessed with vast lands, abundant natural resources, and intellectual capacity. The region that is unequivocally reputed for  producing  notable figures in global science, innovation, and development.

Paradoxically however,  these blessings that Arewa boasts of  remain trapped in a cycle of underdevelopment, insecurity, and disunity, with the primary culprits being its elders and experts who, for decades, have complained without taking concrete action.

The continuous lamenting of the problems without unified strategies is among the major causes of the region’s persistent challenges.

Arewa’s Untapped Potential

The northern region is home to vast human and material resources. From agriculture to intellectual brilliance, Arewa has all the elements necessary to thrive. There are numerous young and old northern Nigerians making significant contributions to global development. A notable example is Professor Sarki Abba, whose work in the sciences has brought international recognition. Similarly, many other Northerners, from academics to technocrats, have made groundbreaking contributions in their respective fields.

Additional examples include Professor Adamu Abubakar Gwarzo, who, by age 45, founded four universities across Africa within a decade, and Alhaji Aliko Dangote, who established Africa’s largest refinery. Despite these remarkable achievements, the region continues to suffer from high levels of poverty, insecurity, poor education, and unemployment. So, what is truly holding Arewa back?

The Real Problem: Disunity and Inaction

At the heart of Arewa’s challenges is the constant disunity among its elders and experts. Rather than coming together to form actionable strategies to address the region’s problems, these leaders have become preoccupied with public complaints and divisive rhetoric. Many lack leadership skills, and even those with such skills often ignore their duties, falling into a cycle of blame without solutions.

History is full of examples showing how northern leaders are undermined from within their region. From Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa to Sardauna of Sokoto, General Ibrahim Babangida, General Sani Abacha, Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, and more recently, Muhammadu Buhari – all northern leaders faced relentless opposition from their own people. In many instances, propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation from within the north contributed to their struggles and failures.

The same pattern is visible today with personalities like Professor Isa Pantami, who served as the Minister of Communication and Digital Economy. Despite being hailed as one of the best-performing ministers in Buhari’s government, many from his region worked to discredit him and portray him as incompetent with all international recognitions bestowed un him. This constant infighting and lack of support for northern leaders, whether they are in politics, education, or any other sphere, is crippling the region.

The Need for Unity and Action

The time has come for northern elders and experts to take responsibility and act. Merely complaining will not solve Arewa’s problems. There needs to be a conscious effort to unite, set aside political, superiorities and other social differences, and put the region first. In order to mover Arewa forward, the article propose the following:

Professionalism Over Sentiment: Northern elders and professionals must learn how to manage their anger publicly and reduce envy. We must handle issues professionally, with a deep understanding of the context. It is not enough to criticize; we must critique constructively, ensuring we understand the role of each tier of government and hold the appropriate ppositions accountable.

Effective Leadership and Training: Leadership is not innate but a skill that can be learned. It is high time northern elders and professionals underwent training on leadership and governance. They need to train emerging leaders on how to lead with integrity, inclusivity, and a focus on the development of the region.

Calling for a Summit of Solutions: Northern Nigeria is at a crossroads, and it is imperative to organize a summit focused on solutions. The agenda of the summit should be to address critical issues like insecurity, education, health, peace, and development among others. Political and other personality and ego differences must be set aside to allow for productive conversations.

Youth Mentorship and Coaching: The future of Arewa lies in its youth. Northern elders must prioritize youth mentorship and coaching, sharing their experiences and knowledge to prepare the next generation of leaders. The youth need to be empowered to take up leadership roles in innovation, politics, education, and development.

Balance Criticism with Action: While it is essential to highlight the issues facing Arewa, it is equally important to balance criticism with action. Elders and experts must showcase cost-effective and innovative solutions to address problems like education, insecurity, peace, and development. The narrative should not be solely about what is wrong but also about what can be done and who is taking steps to make a difference.

Stop Sensationalism and Half-Truths: Too often, the problems facing the north are sensationalized or based on partial truths. It is important to understand and present the full picture, weighing both sides of every story. Leaders and experts must avoid being swayed by negative narratives and focus on solutions that are rooted in evidence and practicality.

Positive Storytelling: While Arewa faces its share of problems, there is also much to celebrate. The elders and experts should minimize the constant focus on the negative and balance this with the positive stories emerging from the region. There is progress in areas like agriculture, entrepreneurship, and education, which need to be highlighted more often.

Conclusively, leading by example should be the last resort now. Northern Nigeria has everything it needs to succeed, yet it is weighed down by internal divisions and inaction. The elders and experts must come together, put their differences aside, and lead by example.

The focus should shift from merely discussing the problems to actively seeking and implementing solutions. A united Arewa will be a powerful force, capable of overcoming its challenges and fulfilling its immense potential.

It is time to stop talking and start doing. Let the elders and experts of Arewa be remembered, not for their complaints, but for the actions they took to uplift their region.