After Week-Long 25th Anniversary Fiesta, YOSPIS’s ED Commits to “New Paths”

Zainab Nasir Ahmad, YOSPIS ED

After Week-Long 25th Anniversary Fiesta, YOSPIS’s ED Commits to “New Paths”

AREWA AGENDA – The Executive Director of the Youth Society for Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Social Vices (YOSPIS) has said that she is poised to lead the organisation on “new paths” towards a promising future for all.

She was speaking on a live radio programme when YOSPIS after a one-week fiesta of her 25th anniversary shared the experience with listeners on the 52nd episode of the radio programme ‘Hasken Matasa’ themed: YOSPIS @25 the big news from the Celebration.

Zainab Nasir Ahmad the Executive Director YOSPIS, said, though the preparation for the week-long fiesta was hectic, she was amazed by the outcome because, for her, the celebration was one in a million featuring different events spread across the week.

“Energy and time was put during preparation to make sure the occasion came to reality, though it was exhausting, at the end of it all, I would say it was worthwhile.

“I think the occasion is one in a million because I have not witnessed any of such by other Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs), ours was spiced by the events lined up and spread across the week by the organising committee; the events include football match, public lecture, orphanage visitation, award ceremony among others.

The ED said it should be understood that it is not just about celebration but some sort of break from the work that has been done over time.

“A lot of people saw the celebration and thought that was what YOSPIS is all about but, it is much more than that, it was only a celebration of another stepping stone which called the organisation, its members and well-wishers back to the round table to reevaluate themselves and forge a new path ahead for a more promising future.”

Zainab used the platform to appreciate elder statesmen for gracing the occasion and pledging support for YOSPIS because the programme has reminded them of their struggles as youths.

She also commended the continuous support of the coordinator of Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN) Dr. Aminu Magashi Garba through his Aminu Magashi Garba Foundation (AMG) financially and otherwise and hopes that other well-to-do individuals in our community take a leaf out of his book.

Salisu Musa Muhammad of Community Health and Research Initiative (CHR) and member planning committee of the YOSPIS @25 anniversary appreciated his team for a job well done and apologised to those who did not receive a direct invitation from the organisation.

“Special appreciation goes to my team; the organising committee for a job well done, this is because all events intended for the anniversary was executed and to those who invitation did not get to directly from YOSPIS, we sincerely apologise because 25 years involves a whole lot of people and our limitations as human hindered us from getting through to all.”

Musa encouraged youths to to be part of YOSPIS,” I urge youngsters to take part in YOSPIS because YOSPIS is selfless service to mankind and selfless service to mankind makes you free the world of mortals.”

Another guest, Hannatu Sulaiman Abba, YOSPIS reference youth and member of planning Committee disclosed that her most exciting moment was realising that Nigeria still has young patriots and thus advised them to embrace volunteerism.

“The happiest moment during the whole thing for me was realising that there are patriotic citizens out there and hence I encourage them to embrace volunteerism,” Hannatu said.

Bello Shehu Maude another YOSPIS’s reference youth on his part said he was thrilled about the public lecture, football match and the fact that a good number of people out there are interested in humanitarian service.

Hasken Matasa, which literally translates into “Light of the Youths”, is a weekly programme on topical youth oriented issues organised by the Community Health and Research Initiative (CHR) and the Youth Society for Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Social Vices (YOSPIS), is sponsored by the Aminu Magashi Garba Foundation (AMG Foundation).